Finding Believers online

Lonely? Looking for a quality believer to fellowship with?

Online Christian Single Dating

is an all Christian, exclusively “single” site dedicated to helping Christians of all denominations find lasting love and happiness.

We strive to bring quality, wholesome. “officially” single believers together in our online platform.

We only accept profiles from professing Christians who are single and who love the Lord Jesus.

If this describes you, then what are you waiting for?

Head on down to the form below and fill out your free profile.

You can browse profiles, view online videos or post a profile of yourself.

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Online Christian Single Dating

How to look for a believer

When you are looking for another Christian to date, it’s important to make sure that you have found a true believer. In this age where the term “Christian” is used all over, it’s important to make sure that before you date someone, you both have the same concept of what it means to be a Christian.

How to look for a “believing” believer.

All believers are created equal, but not all professing Christians live their faith. After you establish that your potential “date-to-be” is a Christian, dig a little deeper to find how seriously they take their faith. Here are some questions to get you started.

1.Church attendance

In this era of “easy believism”, it’s important to start with the very basics. Ask your new contact what church they attend. Almost all will give some name, of some church. But then, go a step further and politely ask how they liked the last service they attended. “Oh yea, that was last Sunday then?” You don’t need to be mean or accusatory, if you think they are a church slacker. (not a term some christians are comfortable with). If YOU aren’t comfortable with the term, read my latest article: “Why going to church is important”.

2. Living the Christian life.

While identifying a church-goer is easy enough, finding out the character of your connection may not be. The truth is, it takes time to know what someone is really like, let alone what their convictions are. Yet, to really meet that perfect (or excellent) someone, you need to find out how seriously they take Christianity. Over time, you will need to find out what kind of books, music, and entertainment they like. Okay, those things won’t take too long to learn. But what about attitudes; mindsets; really practicing the golden rule, and appreciating children. Listening skills. Patience. The truth is, you can’t possible know all of these vital things right off the bat. And yet, once you are “serious” about someone, it is so easy to overlook their lack of seriousness toward spiritual things. Perhaps that’s why many of our members opt to be “Just friends for now”.

3. Devotional life.

Now, this is where a lot of readers get squirmy. See, ALL of us have dry times in our devotional life. Reading the Bible, quiet time with God, our personal prayer life. Hey, in this busy world do you know anyone, anywhere who can honestly say they have arrived?
In real everyday life, it is hard to always set in motion these most basic spiritual disciplines.
So then. What does this mean? Are the majority doomed to give up dating till they “get it together”? NO. But it does help to begin practicing these things, and admitting you need a prayer partner. Or a Bible study buddy. Really, praying together is probably the best way to form a close, healthy relationship with anyone.
Hoping to find some serious friend(s) online? Committed Christians are waiting to connect with you. Why wait?There’s no better place and no better time than right here, right now.

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